A New Year, in more ways than one

As a New Year begins, David Stout talks about the opportunities that come with it…
A new year and a new decade brings with it a genuine feeling of increased opportunity coming as it does on the back of an end to the political uncertainty which has dogged the country over the last few years and also the hope that Brexit can now be finally moved forward.

Close scrutiny of the Government’s new manifesto highlights once again the need for the professional services sector to ensure that a proactive approach is taken to the provision of sound advice and adding value to client’s interests. There is already much talk of changes to the law affecting residential tenancies with potential increased security being given to tenants, a more or less certain swing towards environmental grants once the current Basic Payment Scheme runs its course, as well as the usual plethora of tweaks to the tax system.

Add to that, the increased publicity being given to veganism and the future of the meat industry, there is plenty to keep those of us in the land and property sector busy. In many ways, that encapsulates the roll of the modern-day land agent, requiring the combination of knowledge and experience from the past and the willingness to embrace change to ensure clients are given the best possible service in managing their assets.
The sales market remains strong, albeit slightly back on it’s previous highs, but we remain confident that well-presented land, farms and property will always achieve a successful sale.

Planning ahead is undoubtedly a good way of running any business and the team at PFK Land Agency are both well-placed and qualified to assist existing and future clients in this regard.

For further information contact David Stout and the team at PFK Land Agency on 01768 866611 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Sunday, 02 June 2024

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PFK Estate Agency in Carlisle, Cumbria

Head Office, Agricultural Hall, Skirsgill, Penrith, CA11 0DN

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